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Forum>In English>Hello we need you !
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The Backdoorman

7 Fév 2005, 11:25
Doors fans from the world : help us to find new releases and studio outtakes because Jeff has found Danny's drugs last week and he won't say anything interesting in the next 30 years. He is going to release 47 Best Of and 8 Box set of pictures of the 1972 Doors Tour.
e need help ! Send it to the french fan club A Feast of Friends !

New Orleans, Whiskey a gogo, movies, everything in good conditions even american girls will be apreciate by our president.

Thank you so much.

Ps : post here if you don't want to have any problem with leonard...

7 Fév 2005, 11:41
un gros LÖHL pour Backdo'... lol

Modeste et Pompon

7 Fév 2005, 12:55
Qu'est-ce que tu veux entendre par ce que tu dis Backdo?
Joannic Laborde

7 Fév 2005, 13:11
Please keep it in English in this Category please, that's the point :P
Modeste et Pompon

7 Fév 2005, 17:38
Sorry, what do you want to hear by what you mean, Backdo?
The Backdoorman

8 Fév 2005, 3:37
I mean that the new manager is going to se foutre de notre gueule...

8 Fév 2005, 12:12
We'll be dead & in hell before the time they will release something I tell you this , if they ever release something ah ! ... I mean , something new , something we never heard before .... What about Philadephia , Boston , Bakersfield ... you guys ?

Their answer :

No , no way ! Next we are going to release a compilation w/ an order of the songs you never heard before ! Then we'll put yet another new compilation , but w/ one bonus track featuring an interview w/ Ray ( which will be called " My definitive version of my favorite story : how I did meet Jim on tyhe beach ... ) , both in stereo & multi channel sound !

8 Fév 2005, 12:13
By the way .... this was half of a joke !
Modeste et Pompon

8 Fév 2005, 12:56
Well what are you plaindre about? You're going to avoir les concerts complete in no time. The first song will be on the première compilation, la deuxièeme sur la second compilation and so on and then, tu vas have the complete concert.

8 Fév 2005, 23:54
Wow, maybe we should wait for real english speakers to come before posting anything more here ! It's not my own tongue and I feel dizzy reading us :P

9 Fév 2005, 11:29
Why not ?

10 Fév 2005, 7:38
Léo : Hey man you're right all the way out ! Guess what ? The day we'll have about 10 compilations CD then we'll have one single complete concert ! And by the time we'll have gathered the songs alltogether onto one single CD then they'll release the compilation #11 , w/ the long lost warm up that have been away for years but was rediscovered right after compilation #10 , meaning compilation #11 was needed !

13 Fév 2005, 15:31
Hi guys,

I'm Leon from Holland, some of you i've met before in the Renaissance Cafe.

You're right Cristophe about BMR (Bullshit Manzarek Records) they promised the fans a lot of things over the last years but release not the half of it.
The prices are way too high although the quality isn't bad at all.(except boot yer butt)
This is also a release of totally nothing mixed up with shit.
I don't expect not much of them soon.

15 Fév 2005, 4:25
Hi Leon ,

Yes we meet about every years or so ... along w/ Maria from Greece & all the others ...

What I fing being totally stupid is that : you can find Boot Yer Butt in stores but you can't find such a great release like Detroit 70 !!! So they are officially offering to the consumer a shitty sounding audience recording like BYB but not a pro. sounding soundboard recording like Detroit !

And they wonder why BMR release are not selling that well ? Man I tell you this : no wonder !!!

What's the point to say on January 27 that they are going to release many things in 2005 when , 10 days later , they say that they first have to go to in the vaults to see what's there ?

They treat us like 10 years old kid ...

Shame on them !

11 Mar 2005, 6:10
Wow sorry nothing to deal with previous messages but i wanted to say i think this english section is a very interresting idea. I hope you'll manage to make a link between ship of fools' community and the biggest part of english-speaking fans community.

And i like this new forum structure, only "new messages" (from last connexion) gestion is missing :)

Good Job to all crystal ship team

30 Mar 2005, 7:08
Yo everybody, come on !!!!!! I fuck your mother in her ass, your sister in her pussy, and I fuck your father in his mouth. Happy new month baby !

30 Mar 2005, 7:44
Citation de Nico :
Yo everybody, come on !!!!!! I fuck your mother in her ass, your sister in her pussy, and I fuck your father in his mouth. Happy new month baby !

You speak like a spanish cow!

30 Mar 2005, 9:33
All right baby !!!!!
The Backdoorman

31 Mar 2005, 4:34
Eh ben Nico tu nous as ressorti ton recueil de poésie, voilàààà !

31 Mar 2005, 6:31
Thank you !!!!(au moins toi tu as remarqué le travail des rimes...)

8 Avr 2005, 11:56
Citation de Hitchhiker :
BMR (Bullshit Manzarek Records)

It's that !

*Sorry, I'm tired of Manzarek, me...*


14 Avr 2005, 14:46
Christophe, may I know what is the mark of your hi-fi machine, which makes your avatar? are you fool about high-fidelity?

Nico, you fear! (tu crains!) you are too crazy about family sex, you should consult a psy!

14 Avr 2005, 14:49
Ah yes, I also wanted to say that I find this is a very good idea from Backdo to have create a so interesting and funny topic, it can let strangers communicate with us, and it's trop cool...
and I also realize I'm a little bit ridiculous with my poor english, but I don't care, it's funny!

Pam, happy :)
Modeste et Pompon

14 Avr 2005, 15:11
Well, Louis and Joannic ont created this section du forum Pam, It's a bit comme the section Feast of Friends. Ça a pris a lot of time to post a single message dessus. But i think that les anglophones vont encore rather go on the loge lézard

15 Avr 2005, 3:30
Well, it's not this topic for sure that'll bring any foreigners to our forum... Which is kind of sad. Well. Kind of.
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